There is a great deal of overlap between my academic life and personal art practice. Please see the Isovista page for details. Below is my current project and some much earlier work.

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  Pop Loves Scotch (in progress)

VR Poetry is a genre I've explored for three decades. This current work brings my old friend (and Emmy-nominated writer) Jon Goode's poem Pop Loves Scotch into virtual reality. The new twist is the sculptural interface that I'm developing with local ceramic artists. A semi-abstracted clay Scotch bottle is in the kiln at the Wellsville Creative Arts Center. After it’s fired, I'll paint a design on it with electrically conductive paint. The paint connects to a TouchBoard (an Arduino) which in turn triggers event in the Unreal-based VR experience of the poem. While this is a work in progress, past versions exist in Sansar and Google Cardboard.

portfolio PerBlake

Play Video


Fall 2002 - The Virtual Crystal Cabinet

This work engages the virtual through a mindset of early cinema. VR filmmakers will note the dynamic transitions between stanzas and the montage-like editing of reality in service to the narrative. Covertly guiding the viewer through the poem are a series of visibility and proximity sensors. These sensors creatively advance the poem based on the viewers movement and visual exploration around the center of the scene.


Unwrapping Virtual Space through the Myth of Total Cinema

William Blake and the Study of Virtual Space: Adapting "The Crystal Cabinet" to a New Medium

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Early Art & Installations

The images here are from the 2000 SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, the 1996 Arts Festival of Atlanta, The Orlando Museum of Art, and a number of smaller shows. All the art is digital in nature and usually involved working in virtual reality modeling language (VRML). The last image was the original menu to my VRML website.